Membangun Aplikasi Website Event dengan MERN Stack

Belajar Bersama
Mentor yang berpengalaman di industri IT sekaligus Co-Founder WPU Course.

Sandhika Galih
Sebagai Product Manager
Pak Dhika merupakan dosen dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun, selain itu juga merupakan seorang Google Developer Expert dibidang web dan juga merupakan founder dari WPU yang memiliki lebih dari 900.000 subscribers di YouTube dan memiliki komunitas programming terbesar di Indonesia pada platform Discord dengan jumlah 50.000+ members. Saat ini juga merupakan Co-Founder dari WPU Course.
Tech Stack
Teknologi dalam course ini menggunakan teknologi yang saat ini populer di industri IT, disertai dengan library-library pendukung yang dibutuhkan untuk proses development.

Library yang akan digunakan dalam pembelajaran MERN Stack di Belajar MERN by WPU Course.
Front End
React JS 19
Frontend Library
Next JS 15
React Framework
Tailwind CSS
CSS Framework
Next UI
UI Library
Tanstack React Query & Axios
Data Fetching
React Hook Form
Form Validation
Data Validation
Next Auth
Authentication Library
Back End
Express JS
Backend Framework
MongoDB Object Modeling
API Documentation
Data Validation
Nodemailer & Zoho SMTP
Send Email
JSON Web Token Authentication
Template Engine
Cloud Storage
Silabus Pembelajaran
Lebih dari 100 video pembelajaran membangun website event management menggunakan MERN Stack berstandar industri.
Project Management Fundamental & Demo Product
- 1. Perkenalan Mentor
- 2. Demo Product Akhir
- 3. Pengenalan Project Management
- 4. Project Management Methodology
- 5. Scrum Framework
Sprint 1
Sprint 1
Sprint 1
Setup Project & Auth Management (27 Video)
- 1. Sprint Planning Meeting 1
Back End
- 2. Setup Project Backend
- 3. Setup Postman
- 4. Setup Git Backend
- 5. Setup Database MongoDB
- 6. API Auth Register
- 7. Validtion API Register
- 8. Save Data Register
- 9. Password Encryption
- 10. API Auth Login
- 11. API Auth Get Profile
- 12. Setup Deployment Vercel Back End
- 13. API Documentation With Swagger
- 14. API Auth Activation Part 1
- 15. API Auth Activation Part 2
Front End
- 16. Setup Project Frontend
- 17. Setup Git & Deployment Vercel Front End
- 18. UI Auth Register
- 19. Implementasi API Auth Register
- 20. Success Register UI
- 21. UI & Implementasi API Auth Activation
- 22. Setup Next Auth
- 23. UI Auth Login
- 24. Setup Layout Dashboard
- 25. Setup Middleware
- 26. Sprint Retrospective 1
- 27. Sprint Review 1
Sprint 2
Sprint 2
Sprint 2
Category Management & Event Management (28 Video)
- 1. Sprint Planning 2
Back End
- 2.Middleware Controll Access
- 3.API Media Handling
- 4.Refactor API Response
- 5.API Category Management
- 6.API Location
- 7.API Event
- 8.API Deployment & Documenatation
Front End
- 9.Update Next JS 15
- 10.Datatable UI
- 11.Search, Limit & Pagination
- 12.Debounce Search Hooks
- 13.List Category
- 14.Dropzone Input File Component
- 15.Setup useContext For Toaster
- 16.Create Category
- 17.Refactor Upload File
- 18.Delete Category
- 19.Detail Category
- 20.Update Category
- 21.List Event
- 22.Create Event
- 24.Delete Event
- 25.Detail & Update Event
- 26.Deployment Front End
- 27.Sprint Review 2
- 28.Sprint Retrospective 2
Sprint 3
Sprint 3
Sprint 3
Ticket Management & Banner Management (17 Video)
- 1. Sprint Planning 3
Back End
- 2. Adjusment API Event
- 3. API Ticket Management
- 4. API Banner Management
- 5. API Handling Not Found
- 6. Deploy & Documentation API Ticket & Banner
Front End
- 7. Adjusment Event Management
- 8. List Ticket
- 9. Create Ticket
- 10. Delete Ticket
- 11. Detail & Update Ticket
- 12. List Banner
- 13. Create Banner
- 14. Delete Banner
- 15. Detail & Update Banner
- 16. Deployment Ticket & Banner Management
- 17. Sprint Review 3
Sprint 4
Sprint 4
Sprint 4
Landing Page & Payment (22 Video)
- 1. Sprint Planning 4
Back End
- 2. Refactor API Find Event
- 3. Setup Payment Gateway
- 4. API Create Order
- 5. API History Transaction For Admin
- 6. API Transaction Complete
Front End
- 7. Landing Page Layout
- 8. Navbar UI
- 9. Handle Token Expired
- 10. Footer UI
- 11. Slider Banner
- 12. Card Event UI
- 13. Card Category UI
- 14. Explore Event Page
- 15. Filter Event
- 16. Handle Empty Event
- 17. Search Event
- 18. Detail Event
- 19. Add To Cart Event
- 20. Handle Payment
- 21.Sprint Review 2
- 22.Sprint Retrospective 2
Sprint 5
Sprint 5
Sprint 5
Payment Management & Update Profile (18 Video)
- 1. Sprint Planning 5
Back End
- 2. API Delete Order
- 3. API Get Order
- 4. API Order Pending & Cancel
- 5. API Order Deploy
- 6. Review DAO VS DTO
- 7. API Update Profile & Password
- 8. API Improve Delete Event
- 9. API Global Error Handler
Front End
- 10. Success Payment
- 11. List Transaction Member
- 12. Detail Transaction Member
- 13. List & Delete Transaction Admin
- 14. Detail Transaction Admin
- 15. Profile Page
- 16. Update Password & Deployment
- 17. Sprint Review 5
- 18. Project Closing
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